I am a Research Economist at the Economic Analysis and Research Department of Bank Greece.
I work broadly in the areas of econometric theory, financial econometrics, applied financial econometrics, and empirical finance. I am actively involved in a number of working groups and research projects shaping academic discourse and policy discussions related to climate change, productivity, digitalisation and financial literacy.
Previously, I worked as an Economist at the Hellenic Competition Commission. For the period 2016 – 2019, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Athens University of Economics and Business. I have been a visiting scholar at Athens University of Economics and Business, University of Piraeus and Cyprus University of Technology. I received a PhD in Econometrics from Athens University of Economics and Business.
- Bsc in International and European Economic Studies, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2004
- Msc in Econometrics and Economics, University of York, UK, 2005
- PhD in Econometrics, Athens University of Economics and Business, 2010
- Hellenic Observatory, LSE, Research Calls Programme 2020, funded by the A.C.
Laskaridis Charitable Foundation and Dr Vassili G. Apostolopoulos. Project title: “An Intelligent Industrial Policy for Sustainable Growth”. - Erasmus+ Digital Financial Literacy for Microenterpreneus (DIFILIM).
- Schuman & System-wide Virtual Teams. ESCB and SSM. Joint project with
Oesterreichische Nationalbank. Project title: “Financial & digital literacy programs: What
works?”. - Excellence Hubs Project “The (Decaying) Effects of Education on Financial Literacy and Financial Decision-Making”, co-financed by the Republic of Cyprus and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Contact Details
Bank of Greece| Economic Analysis and Research Department|21 E. Venizelos Ave| 10250 Athens| Greece
Email: sanyfantaki@bankofgreece.gr
Bank of Greece Researcher profile
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